Understanding The Difference Between A Divorce and Annulment

The marriage is no longer working and you feel that the only way to free yourself is through a divorce. But did you know that there are two options to legally end a marriage or domestic partnership? Yes, that is through divorce and annulment.

The Difference: Annulment vs Divorce

These two might have been used many times, but they are totally different processes. The evidence needed for annulment and divorce is totally different. Also, the biggest difference between these two is that a divorce ends a legally valid marriage. The annulment on the other hand will formally declare a marriage legally invalid.

What is Divorce?

When your legally valid marriage is ‘divorced,’ it means that it is legally dissolved or terminated. Once the court finalizes the divorce of a marriage, the spouses are single again and can marry in the future if they wish to.

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What is Annulment?

If you are annulled, this means that it dissolves a marriage by declaring it null and void. This also proves that the union was never legally valid. However, you have to remember that even if the marriage is already annuled, its record remains on file.

Legal Grounds: Annulment vs. Divorce

When filing a case, the ‘grounds’ are basically the basis or the  reasons for doing so. People pursue for divorce and annulment due to various reasons reasons. Usually, when a marriage is wished to be dissolved, it’s because one or both parties no longer want to be legally tied to the other person.

  • Divorce. The common grounds for divorce can include adultery, jail time, or abandonment. But in a “no-fault divorce,” neither party is required to prove fault for the divorce to be granted. Usually, the “irreconcilable differences” is often the grounds for a no-fault divorce.
  • Annulment. The legal grounds for annulment vary. One can file for annulment when they believe that they were forced or tricked into the marriage, usually due to a mental disability, drugs or alcohol dependency. Annulment may also be applicable when one or both spouses were already married at the time of the union. It can also be grounds for annulment when one spouse hid a major problem from the other, like substance use, criminal history, a child, or a severe illness.

Whether you file for divorce or annulment, any of these can be complicated and stressful. That is why for these cases, it is best to consult a lawyer. The Singapore Lawyer provides the most affordable criminal lawyer in Singapore. A family or divorce lawyer is familiar with marriage and family law in your state or country. This means that they can provide legal advice.