Skincare is a basic necessity for all human beings. Maintaining skin is very important to preserve healthy and glowing-looking skin. Therefore a proper skincare routine is also necessary. There is no such single correct skincare routine, but one should know the ideal way to use their products. A person may choose to either use 3 or maybe 11 daily skin care products to achieve flawless-looking skin, but the way of layering the chosen products creates a big impact on how they would work.

The basic skincare routine order involves cleansing, serum, moisturizer, and then sunscreen. This order should be maintained for the products to work efficiently, to avoid a rampage of your costly favorite products because of misapplication. The working principle behind this order is to purify the skin, open the skin so the products can immerse inside, add actives on and then close it with a moisturizer.

A basic skincare routine for day and night

  1. Makeup Remover or Cleansing Oil

This step should be done at night as it makes the job of the cleanser easier and one should never go off to bed with makeup on, so removing the makeup before going to bed should always be the first step. 

  1. Cleanser

It gets rid of the dead skin, oil, dirt, pollutants, and bacteria. This step is also beneficial if one does this after waking up as it helps the skin to absorb all the active elements of the other products. It should be done both day and night. 

  1. Serum

It is made of smaller molecular weight so that it easily penetrates deep into the skin layers, but if one applies it after a dense formulation then the active ingredients won’t be able to reach deep into the skin. It can be applied twice a day, but the using different formulations, because the actives in serum differ for day and night. 

  1. Moisturizer

This is used to hydrate as well as seal the hydration for the layers that go beneath it, which is why they tend to be heavier in consistency than the other products. It can be used in the morning as well as at night. One should always choose those moisturizers which have humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerine as it helps to pull in water, also ceramides which help to close the outer layers of the skin. You can always choose lighter moisture for the morning routine and keep the dense formulation for the night. 

  1. Sunscreen

Last but not least one should wear sunscreen every day in the morning to prevent their skin damage from the harmful UV Rays.

Following this basic skincare routine will help you to retain the glow and maintain healthy-looking skin for many days to come.

By admin