Select the Right Metering Pump for Applications

The use of a metering pump is a fairly important tool that is used for a wide range of municipal drinking water applications. These pumps are also used for various types of waste water. They are great for dispensing processing chemicals for filtration, coagulation, disinfection, flocculation, clarification and a variety of other applications.

Chemical pumps are commercially available and come in integrated packages. They are designed to meet the diverse requirements of virtually any type of liquid chemical delivery in urban and industrial applications. The ones you get from the market can be quickly assembled. They are essential for precise dosing of chemicals. You don’t need to worry too much as it is easy to set up and ready to go in no time. Be sure to take care of the maintenance part. You can easily choose metering pumps, as they will always remain the leading and most reliable technology for efficient, safe and original injection of a range of municipal water supply chemicals.

When it comes to choosing a feed pump for your job, there are several factors to consider. Here are some important ones: 


When you finally need to select a metering skid Singapore for your job, the main factor that matters is the size of the pump. Size definitely matters as you will end up using it for all kinds of water treatment. When it comes to sizing, you need to check the performance based on the pressure at which the water is drained and the flow rate of the pump. You must understand that you should never choose too large. Make sure the size you choose has a flow rate between eighty-five and ninety percent. This gives you extra capacity if needed. In addition, the pump spectrum should never be less than 10% of the pump capacity. If you end up choosing something smaller, it can affect the accuracy of the pump.

Select the Right Metering Pump for Applications

Materials used for construction

Another important factor to be determined is the type of material used. When choosing a metering pump, be sure to take into account the effects of solvents, corrosion and erosion that can occur with certain substances. For example, solvents can break or melt a pump head made of acids, plastic, or any type of corrosive material. It can only be compatible with a certain type of alloy or stainless steel. Even thick dirt tends to wear out certain types of materials.


You must choose your driver carefully. The controller you choose should be selected based on available utilities, which typically include air, electricity, gas, or other pump control methods. After you have reviewed the pump parameter, you should try to determine the setting at which the pump will operate. Don’t even forget to consider the hazardous area requirements when preparing to drive.